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corelinux::SetCollection Member List
This is the complete list of members for corelinux::SetCollection, including all inherited members.
- addAll( CollectionCref )
- addAll( Index, CollectionCref )
- corelinux::Array::addAll( ElementIndex, CollectionCref )
- Array( void )
- Array( ArrayCref )
- ArrayPtr( void )
- castDown( FrameworkEntityCptr )
- castDown( FrameworkEntityPtr )
- castDown( FrameworkEntityCref )
- castDown( FrameworkEntityRef )
- checkBoundsForAdd( Counter increment = 1 )
- checkForMember( FrameworkEntityCptr ) const
- Collection( void )
- Collection( CollectionCref )
- CollectionPtr( void )
- compareMembers( CollectionCref ) const
- containsElement( FrameworkEntityPtr ) const
- containsType( MetaClassPtr ) const
- copyOverFromArray( ElementIndex, FrameworkEntity **, CountCref )
- DECLARE_INSTANCEDATA( Integer, SizeRestriction )
- decreaseOccupancy( Counter removals = 1 )
- equals( FrameworkEntityCptr ) const
- foldToArray( ArrayCref ) const
- FrameworkEntity( void )
- FrameworkEntity( UniversalIdentifierCref )
- FrameworkEntityPtr( void )
- FrameworkEntityPtr( UniversalIdentifierCref )
- getArray( void ) const
- getElementAt( ElementIndex ) const
- getElementClassAt( ElementIndex ) const
- getMemberIndex( FrameworkEntityCptr ) const
- getMembers( CollectionCref, bool ) const
- getOid( void ) const
- getSize( void ) const
- getType( void ) const
- getTypeDescriptor( void )
- increaseArraySize( Counter increment = 1 )
- increaseOccupancy( Counter additions = 1 )
- indexOf( FrameworkEntityCptr ) const
- isEmpty( void ) const
- operator delete(VoidPtr aVoidPtr)
- corelinux::FrameworkEntity::operator delete(void * aVoidPtr)
- operator new(size_t aSize)
- operator+=( FrameworkEntityPtr )
- operator+=( ArrayCref )
- operator+=( SetCollectionCref )
- operator+=( ArrayCptr )
- operator+=( SetCollectionCptr )
- operator=( ArrayCref )
- operator=( SetCollectionCref )
- operator=( ArrayCptr )
- operator=( SetCollectionCptr )
- corelinux::Collection::operator=( CollectionCref )
- corelinux::FrameworkEntity::operator=( FrameworkEntityCref )
- operator==( SetCollectionCref ) const
- corelinux::Array::operator==( ArrayCref ) const
- corelinux::Collection::operator==( CollectionCref ) const
- corelinux::FrameworkEntity::operator==( FrameworkEntityCref ) const
- operator[]( ElementIndex ) const
- put( FrameworkEntityPtr )
- putAt( Index, FrameworkEntityPtr )
- corelinux::Array::putAt( ElementIndex, FrameworkEntityPtr )
- putBack( FrameworkEntityPtr )
- putFront( FrameworkEntityPtr )
- remove( FrameworkEntityPtr )
- removeAll( void )
- removeAt( ElementIndex )
- removeAtEnd( void )
- removeAtFront( void )
- SetCollection( void )
- SetCollection( SetCollectionCref )
- SetCollection( ArrayCref )
- SetCollectionPtr( void )
- setOid( UniversalIdentifierCref )
- shiftForInsert( ElementIndex position, Count increment=1 )
- shiftForRemove( ElementIndex position, Count increment=1 )
- void( SetCollectionPtr aPointer )
- corelinux::Array::void( ArrayPtr aPointer )
- corelinux::Collection::void( CollectionPtr aPointer )
- corelinux::FrameworkEntity::void( FrameworkEntityPtr aPointer )
- ~Array( void )
- ~Collection( void )
- ~FrameworkEntity( void )
- ~SetCollection( void )
This is the CoreLinux++ Framework reference manual
Provided by The CoreLinux Consortium