CoreLinux++ Development Process

The Corelinux Consortium

Revision: 1.2


This document is the Corelinux++ development process details.


Copyright notice

CoreLinux++ Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 CoreLinux Consortium
Revision: 1.2 , Last Modified: 2000/07/14
This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License.


Here is a short overview if this document:

Class libraries and frameworks are often the hardest things to implement in any language (C++, Java, Eiffel) as they need to be useful across a broad range of applications.

The following document will ultimately define, in detail, the Corelinux++ process of bringing a requirement to implementation. While it is quite typical to "jump into the code" we believe that a thorough process, which include analysis and design, prior to coding is more satisfying to the class library developer, and usage by the application.

We believe that skipping the steps we have chosen as our process results in poorly defined behavior, difficult adjustment to change, and users who look for better solutions.

The granularity of ownership follows the granularity of this document. A team member owns a requirement to the point the System Requirement Specification (SRS) document is checked in. At this point an Analysis, Design, and Implementation task will be created in the respective Task Groups from our CoreLinux Project page in Source Forge. Any one can then decide to assign themselves the task of Analysis, then Design when Analysis is complete, and so on for Implementation.


Here are a few settings to help dealing with Sourceforge in Bourne shell style:
export sf_home
export sf_htdocs

Read the Consortium (2000b) and Consortium (2000a) to help you through the development process.

Requirement Process

  1. All things start with a Requirement request statement (e.g. Corelinux++ should have a Thread class) regardless of the origin. If it was not originally entered into the Source Forge Corelinux++ Requirements Forum, it will be placed there and assigned a Requirement ID which is the Requirement Forum message identifier.

  2. A Corelinux++ project member then takes ownership of the Requirement and opens it for discussion in the mailing list.

  3. All Requirements will be reviewed for acceptance and issues in the CoreLinux-public mailing list.

  4. If it is decided that it is not a valid requirement it will be noted with the following:
    This does not represent a requirement that fits into any current, near, or long term objectives.
    For whatever reason, this requirement is being deferred to a later time. The reason will be noted.
    If a requirement is not correctly categorized into libcorelinux++, libcoreframework++, or whatever, it will be redirected to the appropriate module.

  5. Upon acceptance of a requirement, the owner will need to create a Feature in the Corelinux++ Bug Tracking database. The owner should then assign themselves to the feature , or have someone do it for them if they do not have the authority. Once the feature has an identifier, it will be noted in all related work in the CVS message. This includes Requirements, Analysis, Design, and Implementation. Once the completed implementation is checked-in, the feature can be closed.

  6. Requirements that are accepted will be published to the web-site as follows:

  7. Once a SRS document has been checked in, the owner should notify the mailing list that it is done. This way some one can assign themselves to the next task.

From Requirements to Analysis

  1. Before starting the analysis, assign yourself to the respective Analysis task in the project.

  2. Analysis will proceed starting with Use-Case Modeling. In use-case modeling, the system is looked upon as a "black box" that provides use cases. How the system does this, how the use cases are implemented, and how they work internally is not important. In fact, when the use-case modeling is done early in the project, the developers have no idea how the use cases will be implemented

  3. The Analysis model will be used when moving into Design. To minimize the amount of maintenance between Analysis and Design, as there is bound to be iterations from requirements, to analysis and the design, we will use the same model throughout.

  4. Models are to be managed as follows:

  5. Use case objectives are

  6. The actual work required to create a use-case model involves defining the system, finding the actors and the use cases, describing the use cases, defining the relationship between use cases, and finally validating the model.

  7. The use-case model consists of use-case diagrams showing the actors, the use cases, and their relationships. These diagrams give an overview of the model, but the actual descriptions of the use cases are typically textual. Both are important!

  8. Class diagrams can be created to capture the classes in the use-case model. At this point, the classes are there to support the sequence or collaboration diagrams only.

  9. The use-case model will be used to realize the use case. The UML principles for realizing use cases are:

  10. With the exception of the Class Diagram noted above, the Sequence, Collaboration, Activity, and nested Use Case diagrams should be created in the context of the Use Case they are intended for. To do this in MagicDraw UML you open the specification of the use case in the main diagram, click the Diagram tab and create from there.

  11. All actors, classes, and diagram specifications are to be documented.

  12. MagicDraw UML provides the ability to generate various reports and images. For analysis our primary concern is the Use-Case report and any use-case, collaboration, sequence, activity, and class diagrams.

  13. To create the Use-Case report:

  14. To create the associated diagram images:

  15. Because the MagicDraw UML tool does not generate links to the diagrams, you will need to add a html page in the analysis directory which references the diagrams generated. If need be, decorate the page with informative text. The new page should be named XXXX.html (where XXXX is the Requirement ID), added to CVS and committed.

    cvs add -m"YYYYY Initial Analysis Report and Diagrams for XXXX-ZZZZ" xxxx*.*

    cvs commit -m"YYYYY Analysis Report and Diagrams for XXXX-ZZZZ" xxxx*.*

    for example:

    cvs add -m"100547 Initial Analysis Report and Diagrams for 2872-Adapter Pattern" 2872*.*

    cvs commit -m"100547 Analysis Report and Diagrams for 2872-Adapter Pattern" 2872*.*

  16. The Functional Requirement Document ( in the requirements directory ) needs to be updated with links to the report and image pages in the Analysis References line. If need be, references to other specifications are added to the Cross References line. Don't forget to commit the change to CVS as well

    cvs commit -m"YYYYY Updated for Analysis links" reqxxxx.html

  17. Finally, all of the documentation is to be loaded up to the web page:
    [/corelinux/doc]$ cd analysis
    [/corelinux/doc/analysis]$ scp XXXX*.*  $sf_htdocs/doc/analysis
    [/corelinux/doc/analysis]$ cd ../requirements
    [/corelinux/doc/requirements]$ scp reqXXXX.html $sf_htdocs/doc/requirements

From Analysis to Design

  1. Once an Analysis has been checked in it is available for design. Before starting design, assign yourself as the Design Task owner.

  2. If not already done in the Analysis phase, analysis classes will be divided into functional packages.

  3. Additional technical classes are added.

  4. Concurrency needs are identified and modeled through active classes, asynchronous messages, and synchronization techniques for handling shared (if applicable) resources.

  5. As of the current version of MagicDraw UML (3.5) exceptions are specified in the Language Settings of the function specification dialog. A strong emphasis is placed on exceptions and faults in the design. This includes both normal and abnormal where:
    Those that can be anticipated in the course of performing the functions.
    Those that can't be anticipated and must be handled by some generic exception mechanisms.

  6. A strong emphasis is placed on constraints. A constraint is a restriction on an element that limits the usage of the element or the semantics (meaning) of the element. Constraints are one way of enforcing the "contract" by which the objects in a live system may or may not interact. For example, if class A is constrained to having at most five (5) elements in a collection data member, a pre-condition constraint would be put on the addElement( ElementCref ) method:

           pre: = theCollection.size <= 5

  7. The dynamic behavior of the design is emphasized. This is done through class, collaboration, activity, sequence, and state diagrams. The benefit is that it will reduce the implementation time by having a clear understanding of what the code should be doing.

  8. All class methods and members are to be ordered in the diagrams following our standard, basically:
    For members:
      Should be protected or private only.
      For association, aggregates, containment:
        At the very least the cardinality should be specified 
        as well as the role names ( just one if it is not bi-directional ).
         For comprehension, the relationship itself 
         should have a name ( typically a verb ).
         For operations:
             virtual destructor, 
             operator overloads, 
             same order
    Indicate virtual or constant where applicable.

  9. Return values from methods and arguments will use the Corelinux++ define types ( xxRef, xxPtr, xxCref, xxCptr, etc. ).

  10. Methods taking no arguments will have a void type with no name assigned.

  11. Models and documents (Class Report and Diagrams for Web) are to be managed as follows:

  12. During this phase our primary concern for web documentation is the Class report and any class, collaboration, state, sequence, and activity diagrams that support the design.

  13. To create the Class report:

  14. To create the associated diagram images:

  15. Use these naming conventions for other diagrams.

  16. Because the MagicDraw UML tool does not generate links to the diagrams, you will need to add a html page in the design directory which references the diagrams generated. If need be, decorate the page with informative text. The new page should be named XXXX.html (where XXXX is the Requirement ID), added to CVS and committed.

    cvs add -m"YYYYY Initial Design Report and Diagrams for XXXX-ZZZZ" xxxx*.*

    cvs commit -m"YYYYY Design Report and Diagrams for XXXX-ZZZZ" xxxx*.*

    for example:

    cvs add -m"100547 Initial Design Report and Diagrams for 2872-Adapter Pattern" 2872*.*

    cvs commit -m"100547 Design Report and Diagrams for 2872-Adapter Pattern" 2872*.*

  17. The Functional Requirement Document needs to be updated with links to the report and image pages in the Design References line. If need be, references to other specifications are added to the Cross References line. Don't forget to commit the change to CVS as well.

    cvs commit -m"YYYYY Updated for Design links" reqxxxx.html

  18. Finally, all of the documentation is to be loaded up to the web page:

    [/corelinux/doc]$ cd /corelinux/doc/design
    [/corelinux/doc]$ scp XXXX*.* $sf_htdocs/doc/design
    [/corelinux/doc]$ cd ../requirements
    [/corelinux/doc]$ scp reqXXXX.html $sf_htdocs/doc/requirements

From Design To Implementation

  1. Review the Code Standards or any of the Corelinux++ libcorelinux class declarations for clarification. This document has been updated to include details on the declaration comments that are formatted for HTML generation.

  2. Before starting implementation, assign yourself as the task owner in the Implementation Task list.

  3. DO NOT CHECK IN PARTIAL IMPLEMENTATIONS OR BROKEN CODE! Unless what you are working on is part of a joint
    effort (class dependencies, etc.), there is no reason to do so. Of course there may be bugs, but the general idea is that it works when it is

  4. If you must check in exemption code (see above) let others know why, if it isn't already known, you are about to do this (mailing list is best bet).

  5. For the libcorelinux++ class library, the following steps detail one approach (yours may be different but the results are the same):

  6. If there is to be a segregation of header files for the main libcorelinux++ shared library (

  7. If there is to be a modularization of shared libraries but still part of libcorelinux++ package

  8. For the libcoreframework++ :

  9. When in doubt, post an e-mail to the mailing list.


The Corelinux Consortium.
The Corelinux C++ Coding Standards.
The Corelinux Consortium, 1.3 edition, May 2000a.

The Corelinux Consortium.
The Corelinux Object Oriented Design Standards.
The Corelinux Consortium, 1.3 edition, May 2000b.

Christophe Prud'homme 2000-08-14