Developer's Corner
Command Use Case Report
Command Use Case Report
Generated at: Sun, Apr 30, 2000
- Use case report
- Class report
- Data package
- Component View package
- Use Cases package
- Participants package
- Developer class
- Implementor class
- Analysis package
- Command class
- ReverseCommand class
- CommandFrame class
- AbstractCommand class
- libcorelinux package
- Model dictionary
Use case report
use case Create a Command
- Documentation:
Create a Command that executes a request.
use case Execute a Command
- Documentation:
Executes a command
use case Reverse a Command
- Documentation:
Executes the reverse command.
- Uses:
Execute a Command use case
use case Add a Reverse Command to Command
- Documentation:
Add a reverse command to a command.
use case Add Command to A Command Frame
- Documentation:
Add commands to the Command Frame
use case Execute a Command Frame
- Documentation:
Execute the command frame which executes the commands that it has.
- Extends:
Execute a Command use case
use case Create a Command Frame
- Documentation:
Create a Command Frame instance. Command frames are a collection of commands.
use case Remove Reverse Command from Command
- Documentation:
Removes a Reverse Command from a Command
use case Remove Command from a Command Frame
- Documentation:
Remove a command from a command frame.
use case Create a Reverse Command
- Documentation:
Create a command that reverses the effects of a command.
- Uses:
Create a Command use case
use case Reverse a Command Frame
- Documentation:
Executes the reverse of the commands in a command frame.
- Extends:
Reverse a Command use case
- actor Developer
- Documentation:
- actor Implementor
- Superclasses:
- Data::Use Cases::Participants::Developer
- Documentation:
Implementor is a developer that uses either the corelinux or extension types into solution space applications.
Class report
- package Data
- package Data::Component View
- package Data::Use Cases
- package Data::Use Cases::Participants
- class Developer
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
- class Implementor
- Superclasses:
- Data::Use Cases::Participants::Developer
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Implementor is a developer that uses either the corelinux or extension types into solution space applications.
- Operations:
- public doWork ( )
- package Data::Analysis
- class Command
- Superclasses:
- Data::Analysis::AbstractCommand
- Operations:
- public add ( [Unnamed] : ReverseCommand )
- public executeReverse ( )
- class ReverseCommand
- Superclasses:
- Data::Analysis::AbstractCommand
- class CommandFrame
- Operations:
- public add ( [Unnamed] : Command )
- public executeReverse ( )
- class AbstractCommand
- Operations:
- public abstract execute ( )
- package Data::libcorelinux
Model dictionary
- AbstractCommand class from package Analysis
- add operation from class Analysis.Command
- add operation from class Analysis.CommandFrame
- Add a Reverse Command to Command use case from package Use Cases
- Add a reverse command to a command.
- Add Command to A Command Frame use case from package Use Cases
- Add commands to the Command Frame
- Analysis package
- Command class from package Analysis
- CommandFrame class from package Analysis
- Component View package
- Create a Command use case from package Use Cases
- Create a Command that executes a request.
- Create a Command Frame use case from package Use Cases
- Create a Command Frame instance. Command frames are a collection of commands.
- Create a Reverse Command use case from package Use Cases
- Create a command that reverses the effects of a command.
- Data package
- Developer actor from package Use Cases.Participants
- Developer
- Developer class from package Use Cases.Participants
- Developer
- doWork operation from class Use Cases.Participants.Implementor
- execute operation from class Analysis.AbstractCommand
- Execute a Command use case from package Use Cases
- Executes a command
- Execute a Command Frame use case from package Use Cases
- Execute the command frame which executes the commands that it has.
- executeReverse operation from class Analysis.Command
- executeReverse operation from class Analysis.CommandFrame
- Implementor actor from package Use Cases.Participants
- Implementor is a developer that uses either the corelinux or extension types into solution space applications.
- Implementor class from package Use Cases.Participants
- Implementor is a developer that uses either the corelinux or extension types into solution space applications.
- libcorelinux package
- Participants package from package Use Cases
- Remove Command from a Command Frame use case from package Use Cases
- Remove a command from a command frame.
- Remove Reverse Command from Command use case from package Use Cases
- Removes a Reverse Command from a Command
- Reverse a Command use case from package Use Cases
- Executes the reverse command.
- Reverse a Command Frame use case from package Use Cases
- Executes the reverse of the commands in a command frame.
- ReverseCommand class from package Analysis
- Use Cases package
- Total packages reported: 6
- Total classes reported: 6
- Total operations reported: 6
- Total use cases reported: 11
Copyright © 1999, 2000 by CoreLinux Consortium
This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the
Open Publication License