Developer's Corner
Mediator Class Report
Mediator Class Report
Generated at: Fri, May 05, 2000
- Class report
- Data package
- Component View package
- libcorelinux package
- Colleague class
- Mediator class
- Event class
- Identifier class
- Use Cases package
- Roles package
- Developer class
- Implementor class
- Model dictionary
Class report
- package Data
- package Data::Component View
- package Data::libcorelinux
- abstract class Colleague
- Documentation:
Colleague declares a type that is used in the Mediator pattern. It hides the default constructor as there is a specific relationship to a Mediator instance.
- Operations:
- protected Colleague ( [Unnamed] : void )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Default constructor
- public Colleague ( [Unnamed] : Colleague )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Copy constructor
- public ~Colleague ( [Unnamed] : void )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
- public Colleague operator= ( [Unnamed] : Colleague )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Assignment operator
- public bool operator== ( [Unnamed] : Colleague )
- Stereotype:
- Constraints: {query}
- Documentation:
Equality test
- public Colleague ( [Unnamed] : Mediator )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Default constructor requires a Mediator
- public abstract void getEventsGenerated ( [Unnamed] : Vector<Identifier> )
- Stereotype:
- Constraints: {query}
- Documentation:
Colleagues are asked for the identifiers of events that they generate during their life that other Colleagues are interested in.
- public abstract void getEvenInterests ( [Unnamed] : Vector<Identifier> )
- Stereotype:
- Constraints: {query}
- Documentation:
Colleagues are asked for the identifiers of events that they are interested in.
- public void action ( [Unnamed] : Event )
- Documentation:
A Mediator communicates an event through the action message. The event describes the context of the action.
- abstract class Mediator
- Documentation:
Mediator mediates activity between colleagues.
- Operations:
- public Mediator ( [Unnamed] : Mediator )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Copy constructor
- public Mediator ( [Unnamed] : void )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Default constructor
- public ~Mediator ( [Unnamed] : void )
- Documentation:
- public Mediator opeartor= ( [Unnamed] : Mediator )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Assignment operator
- public bool operator== ( [Unnamed] : Mediator )
- Constraints: {query}
- Documentation:
Equality operator
- public void action ( [Unnamed] : Event )
- Documentation:
A Colleague communicates with the Mediator through an action message. The event describes the action, and the Mediator uses the event identity to distribute to interested colleagues.
- protected abstract Iterator<Colleague> createInterestedIterator ( [Unnamed] : Identifier )
- Stereotype:
- Constraints: {query}
- Documentation:
Calls the implementation to provide a iterator over colleagues interested in the event that it received during action.
- protected abstract void destroyIterator ( )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Calls the implementation to destroy the iterator of colleagues.
- protected abstract void colleagueCreated ( [Unnamed] : Colleague )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Implementation defines behavior when a Colleague has been created.
- class Event
- Documentation:
Event (borrowed from Subject Observer) describes actions communicated between colleagues via the mediator.
- Operations:
- public Event ( [Unnamed] : void )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Default constructor
- public Event ( [Unnamed] : Identifier )
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Initializing constructor
- public Identifier operator Identifier ( )
- Stereotype:
- Constraints: {query}
- class Identifier
- package Data::Use Cases
- package Data::Use Cases::Roles
- class Developer
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
- class Implementor
- Superclasses:
- Data::Use Cases::Roles::Developer
- Stereotype:
- Documentation:
Implementor is a developer that uses either the corelinux or extension types into solution space applications.
- Operations:
- public doWork ( )
Model dictionary
A C D E G I L C M O R U ~
- action operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- A Mediator communicates an event through the action message. The event describes the context of the action.
- action operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- A Colleague communicates with the Mediator through an action message. The event describes the action, and the Mediator uses the event identity to distribute to interested colleagues.
- Colleague class from package libcorelinux
- Colleague declares a type that is used in the Mediator pattern. It hides the default constructor as there is a specific relationship to a Mediator instance.
- Colleague operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Default constructor requires a Mediator
- colleagueCreated operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Implementation defines behavior when a Colleague has been created.
- Component View package
- createInterestedIterator operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Calls the implementation to provide a iterator over colleagues interested in the event that it received during action.
- Data package
- destroyIterator operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Calls the implementation to destroy the iterator of colleagues.
- Developer class from package Use Cases.Roles
- Developer
- doWork operation from class Use Cases.Roles.Implementor
- Event class from package libcorelinux
- Event (borrowed from Subject Observer) describes actions communicated between colleagues via the mediator.
- Event operation from class libcorelinux.Event
- Default constructor
- Event operation from class libcorelinux.Event
- Initializing constructor
- getEvenInterests operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Colleagues are asked for the identifiers of events that they are interested in.
- getEventsGenerated operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Colleagues are asked for the identifiers of events that they generate during their life that other Colleagues are interested in.
- Identifier class from package libcorelinux
- Implementor class from package Use Cases.Roles
- Implementor is a developer that uses either the corelinux or extension types into solution space applications.
- libcorelinux package
- Colleague operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Copy constructor
- Colleague operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Default constructor
- Mediator operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Copy constructor
- Mediator class from package libcorelinux
- Mediator mediates activity between colleagues.
- Mediator operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Default constructor
- opeartor= operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Assignment operator
- operator Identifier operation from class libcorelinux.Event
- operator= operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Assignment operator
- operator== operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Equality operator
- operator== operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Equality test
- Roles package from package Use Cases
- Use Cases package
- ~Colleague operation from class libcorelinux.Colleague
- Destructor
- ~Mediator operation from class libcorelinux.Mediator
- Destructor
- Total packages reported: 5
- Total classes reported: 6
- Total operations reported: 22
Copyright © 1999, 2000 by CoreLinux Consortium
This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the
Open Publication License