This document is the Corelinux++ Frequently Asked Question guide. It should answer any of the
questions you asked about Corelinux++ and its development process.
CoreLinux++ Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 CoreLinux Consortium Revision: 1.2 , Last Modified: 2000/07/28 This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License.
CoreLinux++ and Open Source
Are you really Open Source?
Yes, all of the documentation and graphics are licensed under the Open Publication License, and all
of the source code under the Free Software Foundations Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
What are you offering?
At a minimum, a coherent set of standards for Object Oriented Analysis and Design with C++
implentations in Linux. Ultimately we will be providing a set of class libraries that provide other
developers with common classes, patterns, framework, and service abstractions.
Will the class libraries and frameworks be portable?
Our only goal is to be portable across Linux platforms (distributions and hardware). Because of
this we can achieve native performance in the class implementations and avoid the weight gain when
trying to be all things to all platforms.
What about the C++ Standards?
We encourage and exploit the standards as set in the ISO 14882 (1998E) C++ Standard.
How are you funded?
Free time, the belief in Open Source, Linux, other organizations' belief in the same, and sweat.
The CoreLinux++ Project Page has links to file downloads, message forums, mailing lists, defect
reporting and general information.
Internet Resources
Is there a mailing list?
Go to the Subscription page and follow the directions.
Defect Reporting or Suggestions
How do I report a defect or make a suggestion?
Sign on to the Project Page and select the Bug Report link.
2.3.2: What do the defect groups mean?
We have identified a number of groups for reporting defects, or making suggestions:
Something you would like to see from CoreLinux++ that isn't in plan or already a feature request
Severity 1 Defect
core dump, corrupt data, etc. The REALLY BAD STUFF
Severity 2 Defect
incorrect IO, breaks existing applications, etc
Severity 3 Defect
Class interfaces or implementation not robust enough, compiler errors, etc.
General catch all for other defects not characterized by above.
General Information
File and source code access
Is there an ftp site to get the current tarball?
Anonymous logon to
follow to
Is the source tree available?
The project's CVS tree can be checked out through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set.
The module you wish to check out must be specified as the modulename. When prompted for a
password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.
cvs login
cvs co modulename
Updates from within the module's directory do not need the -d parameter.
Is there another way?
As an alternative, the CoreLinux++ CVS tree is archived daily