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CoreLinux++ Compound List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- corelinux::_CSAGroupHeader (Describes a CSA semaphore group)
- corelinux::_CSAHeader (Describes the tip control block for the Common Storage Area (CSA))
- corelinux::_CSASemaphoreHeader (Describes a CSA semaphore entry)
- corelinux::AbstractAllocator (AbstractAllocator is a abstract template which provides for the extension of memory managment on a TypeImpl object by TypeImpl object basis)
- AbstractBankAccount (AbstractBankAccount provides the interface for all accounts used in this application)
- corelinux::AbstractCommand (AbstractCommand captures the semantics of the capabilities of commands, which is basically to provide a execution context)
- corelinux::AbstractFactory (AbstractFactory provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes)
- corelinux::AbstractFactoryException (AbstractFactoryException is the base exception type for AbstractFactory)
- corelinux::AbstractSemaphore (A AbstractSemaphore supports the protocol that processes and/or threads agree to follow for the purpose of controlled access to a resource)
- corelinux::AbstractString (AbstractString is a temporary base abstraction)
- AccountProxy (AccountProxy is a read/write access proxy that enables all of the methods for the underlying subject)
- corelinux::Adapter (An Adapter converts the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect)
- corelinux::Allocator (Allocator is a Strategy class used by AbstractAllocator and AbstractFactory.Each Allocator instance tracks allocates and deallocates)
- corelinux::AllocatorAlreadyExistsException (AllocatorAlreadyExistsException is an exception that is usually thrown when a add of an Allocator collides in a AbstractFactory implementation)
- corelinux::AllocatorNotFoundException (AllocatorNotFoundException is an exception that is usually thrown when a AbstractFactory attempts to use a specific Allocator)
- ArgumentContext (ArgumentContext shows off how by extending ThreadContext we can add arguments to the call and use any method not just those prototyped by the system)
- corelinux::Assertion (Assertion is-a Exception created when an assertion fails)
- corelinux::AssociativeIterator (The AssociativeIterator that extends Iterator to include the interface for describing an associative collection type without exposing its underlying representation)
- BankAccount (BankAccount is a concrete derivation that implements the AbstractBankAccount interface)
- Bar (Class Bar describes the Adaptee target that we want to behave like Foo)
- corelinux::BoundsException (BoundsException is a type of StorageException, characterized when access to a storage object is invalid)
- corelinux::Bridge (When an abstraction can have one of several possible implementations, the usual way to accommodate them is to use inheritance)
- corelinux::Builder (Builder seperates the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations)
- ChangedListMemento (ChangedListMemento captures the state of the ListColleague)
- corelinux::Colleague (Colleague knows its Mediator object, communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another Colleague)
- corelinux::Command (Command captures the semantics of allowing commands to be added as a reverse command type)
- corelinux::CommandFrame (CommandFrame builds a unit of work around one or more Commands)
- corelinux::CommandFrameException (CommandFrameException is the base exception type for CommandFrame)
- corelinux::Component (A Component declares the interface for the objects in a composition and implements default behavior)
- corelinux::CompositeException (CompositeException is the base exception type for Composite)
- corelinux::Context (Context defines the interface to clients and maintains an instance of a State subclass)
- corelinux::CoreLinuxAssociativeIterator (The CoreLinuxAssociativeIterator provides a way to access the elements of any of the associative STL collections, by defining a CoreLinuxAssociativeIterator with a CORELINUX_COLLECTION nameAssociativeIterator definition, the KeyType and the Element Type)
- corelinux::CoreLinuxGuardGroup (A CoreLinuxGuardGroup is an extension to the SemaphoreGroup for creating semaphores for the CoreLinuxGuardPool)
- corelinux::CoreLinuxGuardPool (The CoreLinuxGuardPool is a private SemaphoreGroup resource for class objects that require synchronization capability)
- corelinux::CoreLinuxIterator (The CoreLinuxIterator provides a way to access the elements of any of the non-associative STL collections)
- corelinux::CoreLinuxObject (An CoreLinuxObject is a base class for the library)
- corelinux::Decorator (Decorators can attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically which provide a more flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality)
- Door (Doors join two rooms)
- Edit (Edit listens for a selection event and allows the user to change the entry)
- EditColleague (EditColleague listens for a selection event and allows the user to change the entry)
- EditSelectionMemento (EditSelectionMemento captures the state of EditColleague)
- corelinux::Environment (Environment is a class utility which encapsulates)
- Equipment (Equipment defines an interface in the part-whole hierarchy)
- EquipmentComposite (EquipmentComposite implements the TransparentComponent children management routines as well as the domain behavior of Equipment)
- corelinux::Event (Event provides a type basis for event ontologies)
- corelinux::Exception (Exception is the base exception class used in the CoreLinux++ libraries)
- corelinux::Facade (Structuring a system into subsystems helps reduce complexity)
- corelinux::Flyweight (Flyweight type is used to support large numbers of fine-grained objects)
- Foo (Class Foo describes the target interface that we want to adapt other objects or classes with different interfaces to behave like)
- corelinux::GatewaySemaphore (GatewaySemphore enables a depth of resource indicator)
- corelinux::GatewaySemaphoreGroup (A GatewaySemaphoreGroup is an extension to the SemaphoreGroup for creating only GatewaySemaphore types)
- corelinux::Synchronized::Guard (Guard is the automatic instance that insures a lock is not held beyond the scope where it was instantiated)
- corelinux::GuardSemaphore (GuardSemaphore is a special case semaphore for use by the CoreLinuxGuardPool)
- corelinux::Handler (Defines an interface for handling requests, accessing successors, and optionally implements the successor link)
- HandlerHelpHandler (HandlerHelpHandler handles HANDLER_HELP requests)
- HelpHandler (HelpHandler is the basic handler type for this example)
- HelpRequest (Generic Request type uses identifiers instead of derivations)
- corelinux::Identifier (An Identifier is a abstract representation of identity)
- corelinux::InvalidCompositeException (InvalidCompositeException is an exception that is usually thrown when a composite operation is attempted on a leaf component)
- corelinux::InvalidIteratorException (InvalidIteratorException is an exception that indicates a Iterator could not be properly formed for some reason)
- corelinux::InvalidThreadException (InvalidThreadException describes an exception that is thrown when a operation is attempted on a non-managed thread context)
- corelinux::Iterator (The Iterator provides a way to access the elements of an collection type sequentially without exposing its underlying representation)
- corelinux::IteratorBoundsException (IteratorBoundsException is thrown when a Iterator has position before the begining or past the end positions of its implementation)
- corelinux::IteratorException (IteratorException is the base exception type for Iterator)
- corelinux::Limits (Limits is to provide information regarding CoreLinux++ scalar types)
- ListColleague (Does anybody read these things? Anyway, ListColleage is the maintainer of the list, and is interested in changes made to keep it current)
- Lister (Does anybody read these things? Anyway, Lister is the maintainer of the list, and is interested in changes made to keep it current)
- ListEvent (We define our domain event type which uses a numeric identifier and accepts generic Memento pointers)
- ListMediator (Manages list activity between ListColleagues)
- MapSite (MapSite is a common abstraction for all components of a maze)
- Maze (Maze is a collection of rooms connected by doors)
- MazeBuilder (MazeBuilder implements the Builder pattern)
- corelinux::Mediator (Mediator declares an interface for communicating with Colleague objects)
- corelinux::Memento (Memento knows its Mediator object, communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another Memento)
- corelinux::Memory (Memory is high speed transient storage managed by the operating system, for both itself and user processes, used to store data and programs)
- corelinux::MemoryStorage (MemoryStorage is type of Storage characterized as transient and high speed)
- corelinux::MutexSemaphore (MutexSemaphore implements a mutual exclusion control which can be used to insure that at most one (1) task has access at a time)
- corelinux::MutexSemaphoreGroup (A MutexSemaphoreGroup is an extension to the SemaphoreGroup for creating only MutexSemaphore types)
- corelinux::NullPointerException (NullPointerException is the base exception type for NullPointer)
- corelinux::Observer (Observer observes Subjets and supports the event interface for recieving subject event notifications)
- corelinux::PoolDescriptor (PoolDescriptor stores information about the ownership and usage of a semaphore in the pool)
- corelinux::Prototype (Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying (cloning) this prototype)
- corelinux::Proxy (Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it)
- corelinux::Request (A Request is used for type identification to a handler object)
- RequestHelpHandler (RequestHelpHandler handles REQUEST_HELP requests)
- RestrictedAccountProxy (RestrictedAccountProxy is a read/write access proxy with limitations, you can make deposits but you can't withdraw funds!)
- Room (Room is a concrete subclass of MapSite that defines a key relationship between components in the maze)
- corelinux::ScalarIdentifier (ScalarIdentifier provides a templated interface for declaring CoreLinux Identifiers for simple scalar types)
- Select (Select provides support for selecting a sentence from a list)
- SelectColleague (SelectColleague provides support for selecting a sentence from a list)
- SelectionMemento (SelectionMemento captures the state of SelectColleague)
- corelinux::Semaphore (A Semaphore supports the protocol that processes and/or threads agree to follow for the purpose of controlled access to a resource)
- corelinux::SemaphoreCommon (The SemaphoreCommon manages the SemaphoreGroup common storage area)
- corelinux::SemaphoreException (SemaphoreException is the base exception type for Semaphore)
- corelinux::SemaphoreGroup (A SemaphoreGroup is an extension to the Linux semaphore set)
- corelinux::Singleton (Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it)
- corelinux::State (Allow an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes)
- corelinux::Storage (Storage is the abstract type for anything that can be use to store and read (e.g)
- corelinux::StorageException (StorageException is the base exception type for Storage)
- corelinux::Strategy (Strategy is a base class for describing families of alogrithms)
- corelinux::StringUtf8 (StringUtf8 is a temporary string implementation)
- corelinux::Subject (Subject knows its Observer objects, communicates with its observers through event notification)
- SubjectObserver (SubjectObserver maintains the observer list and definitions for subject)
- corelinux::Synchronized (Synchronized is a mixin which allows class objects to enable monitor functionality)
- corelinux::Thread (Thread is a framework for the creation, management, and destruction of caller threads)
- corelinux::ThreadContext (ThreadContext describes the context in which the thread operates)
- corelinux::ThreadException (ThreadException is the base exception type for Thread)
- corelinux::TransientStorage (TransientStorage type is an area of storage that will not be saved across system initializations)
- corelinux::TransparentComponent (A TransparentComponent is a templated Component whereas it declares the interface for the objects in a composition, implements default behavior and declares the interface for child operations)
- corelinux::Visitor (Represent an operation to be performed on the components of an object structure)
- Wall (Walls may be on some side of a room)
- WallFactory (The WallFactory is provided to manage the WallFlyweight and the sharing of same)
- WallFlyweight (The WallFlyweight is utilized for scale)
This is the CoreLinux++ reference manual
Provided by The CoreLinux Consortium