CoreLinux++ Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 CoreLinux Consortium Revision 1.10 , Last Modified:
2000/10/07 This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License.
This guide is broken into two (2) parts: The first is meant to familiarize the developer with the standards,
guidelines, and build process for the CoreLinux++ class libraries, frameworks, and applications, and the second
providing a insiders view into the workings of the class library.
If you are just interested in using the binaries, refer to the Developing with CoreLinux++ section.
For CoreLinux++ developers, before attempting to build any of the CoreLinux++ code refer to the
Setting Up section. It is probably a good idea after that to reference the Standard Development Process.
To assist all developers the following references are available:
CoreLinux C++ Standards and Guidelines
CoreLinux Object Oriented Analysis and Design
CoreLinux Functional Requirements
CoreLinux Class Reference
For all questions or bug reports please go to the CoreLinux++ homepage. and then to the project links.
There you will find forums for comments or discussions and also the ability to enter defect reports. If you are really
in a jam, you can e-mail
Setting Up for CoreLinux++ builds
Getting Things Rolling
The configuration, building, and installation of the CoreLinux++ libraries is now handled by
automake (FSF, 2000a), autoconf (FSF, 1999), and
libtool (FSF, 2000b). Please read the INSTALL file for instructions on how to
get started with the system.
Make Environment
With the new build system, the libcorelinux++ header files can be found
in install-path/corelinux. This means that you will
need to prefix includes:
#include <corelinux/Common.hpp>
for example.
Setting up for CoreLinux++ Execution
During development the libcorelinux++ and/or libcoreframework++ shared libraries are put into
install-path/lib when you 'make install'.
Directory Structure
This section is geared mostly to developers and maintainers who are
working on libcorelinux++ or libcoreframework++.
The directory structure for libcorelinux++ source is very straight forward, assuming you have checked out the CVS corelinux module:
\corelinux ; The root corelinux directory
\corelinux ; Root include directory (libcorelinux++ includes)
\coreframework ; Includes for libcoreframework++
\src ; Root source directory
\classlib ; Class Library project source
\corelinux ; libcorelinux++ source(s)
\testdrivers ; Test driver project source(s)
\ex1 ; Various test drivers
where the contents of each directory will be discussed.
The Root Directory
The Corelinux++ root directory is the canonical tip for the development
libraries. Besides the directories that follow this description, it is
the home of the configuration and build macros. It is recommended that
you do your development work with debug versions of the libraries, and
testing with both debug and optimized code.
We have added a few macros which help setup for these modes. You need to
specify your compiler using the --with-cxx assignment. Here are
examples using the GNU compiler:
The CoreLinux++ root include directory behaves in a similar fashion to /usr/include. The base directory
contains headers that are libcorelinux++ classes and macros. When developing libcorelinux++ or libcoreframework++,
the includes should resolve to here. When developing applications to a specific libcorelinux++ and/or
libcoreframework++, the include tree will most likely reside in /usr/include/corelinux.
The Root Source Root
All source code for CoreLinux++ projects are located from this point in the development tree.
Class Library Source Root
Source code, the result of which are Class Libraries, are located from this point in the
development tree.
CoreLinux Class Library Source
Source code specific to libcorelinux++, the result of which is a Class Libraries, is located here.
Additional Class Library Source
Other support or free form class library source project(s).
The Test Driver and Example Code Root
Source code, the result of which are applications which exercise or validate the class libraries or
framework libraries are located from this point in the development tree.
Example application source
Source code for the examples supplied as part of the default CoreLinux++ hierarchy.
CoreLinux++ Documentation for Standards, Class Reference, Requirements, Analysis, and Design
Most of the documentation is in HTML format. You have found it because you are reading this!
This section is to include the steps taken by developers who are not interested in contributing to the
library itself.
Using autoconf
For the developer who wants to check Corelinux++ existence using autoconf and its
m4 macro AC_CHECK_LIB, here is the code to add to the
# check corelinux presence
AC_CHECK_LIB(cl++, ACCheckCoreLinux,[
INCLUDES="${INCLUDES} -I/usr/include/corelinux"
LIBS="${LIBS} -lcl++"
echo "You need to install corelinux. see"
Two macros are used heavily in Corelinux++ . They are macros to provide a uniform way to declare types
and classes. Don't be shy at using them and what they provide.
DECLARE_TYPE declares a new type as in code code:1
#include <corelinux/Common.hpp>
// declares newType as type Type
DECLARE_TYPE( Type, newType );
// it will be expanded by the C preprocessor
// as follows:
typedef Type newType;
typedef newType* newTypePtr;
typedef const newType* newTypeCptr;
typedef newType& newTypeRef;
typedef const newType& newTypeCref;
// for example
DECLARE_TYPE( char, Char );
// will define the types Char,
// CharPtr, CharCptr, CharRef and CharCref
DECLARE_CLASS declares a new class as in code code:2
#include <corelinux/Common.hpp>
// forward declaration of class foo
// it will be expanded as follows:
class foo;
typedef foo* fooPtr;
typedef const foo* fooCptr;
typedef foo& fooRef;
typedef const foo& fooCref;
this macro is expecially used for forward class declaration or to ensure the declaration of the
associated pointer and reference types.
Corelinux++ uses STL containers and algorithm. In order to provide the same services DECLARE_TYPE and
DECLARE_CLASS, several macros are provided :
CORELINUX_LIST defines a STL std::list as in code code:3
#include <corelinux/List.hpp>
CORELINUX_LIST( int, ListIntType );
// will declare:
typedef std::list<int> ListIntType;
// and as always, ListIntTypePtr, ListIntTypeRef
// ListIntTypeCptr, ListIntTypeCref will be also
// defined
CORELINUX_VECTOR defines a STL std::vector as in code code:4
#include <corelinux/Vector.hpp>
CORELINUX_VECTOR( int, VectorIntType );
// will declare:
typedef std::vector<int> VectorIntType;
// and as always, VectorIntTypePtr, VectorIntTypeRef
// VectorIntTypeCptr, VectorIntTypeCref will be also
// defined
CORELINUX_STACK defines a STL std::stack as in code code:5
#include <CORELINUX/Stack.hpp>
CORELINUX_STACk( int, StackIntType );
// will declare:
typedef std::stack<int> StackIntType;
// and as always, StackIntTypePtr, StackIntTypeRef
// StackIntTypeCptr, StackIntTypeCref will be also
// defined
CORELINUX_QUEUE defines a STL std::dequeue as in code code:6
#include <CORELINUX/Queue.hpp>
CORELINUX_QUEUE( int, QueueIntType );
// will declare:
typedef std::dequeue<int> QueueIntType;
// and as always, QueueIntTypePtr, QueueIntTypeRef
// QueueIntTypeCptr, QueueIntTypeCref will be also
// defined
CORELINUX_SET defines a STL std::set as in code code:7
#include <CORELINUX/Set.hpp>
CORELINUX_SET( int, less<int>, SetIntType );
// will declare:
typedef std::set<int, less<int> > SetIntType;
// and as always, SetIntTypePtr, SetIntTypeRef
// SetIntTypeCptr, SetIntTypeCref will be also
// defined
CORELINUX_MULTISET defines a STL std::multiset as in code code:10
#include <CORELINUX/Set.hpp>
CORELINUX_MULTISET( int, less<int>, SetIntType );
// will declare:
typedef std::multiset<int, less<int> > MultiMultiSetIntType;
// and as always, MultiSetIntTypePtr, MultiSetIntTypeRef
// MultiSetIntTypeCptr, MultiSetIntTypeCref will be also
// defined
defines a STL std::map as in code code:9
#include <CORELINUX/Map.hpp>
CORELINUX_MAP( std::string,
MetStringType );
// will declare:
typedef std::map<string,
less<string> > MapStringType;
// and as always, MapStringTypePtr, MapStringTypeRef
// MapStringTypeCptr, MapStringTypeCref will be also
// defined
defines a STL std::multimap as in code code:11
#include <CORELINUX/Map.hpp>
MultiMapStringType );
// will declare:
typedef std::multimap<string,
less<string> > MultiMapStringType;
// and as always, MultiMapStringTypePtr, MultiMapStringTypeRef
// MultiMapStringTypeCptr, MultiMapStringTypeCref will be also
// defined
Note that for all these macro, except CORELINUX_STACK, the Iterator type is
defined also, see for example the code code:8
// if we define VectorType as follows
CORELINUX_VECTOR( int, VectorType );
// then CORELINUX_VECTOR macros will define
// also the following Iterator types
typedef VectorType::iterator VectorTypeIterator;
typedef VectorType::iterator& VectorTypeIteratorRef;
typedef VectorType::iterator* VectorTypeIteratorPtr;
typedef VectorType::const_iterator VectorTypeConstIterator;
typedef VectorType::const_iterator& VectorTypeConstIteratorRef;
typedef VectorType::const_iterator* VectorTypeConstIteratorPtr;
Class Library Internals
The Class Library Internals is your guide into the inner workings of libcorelinux++. This is a
useful section for those interested in how it works, or how they can contribute to make it better.
Foundation Classes
This section covers the foundational classes of the class library.
Inter-Process Communication
Every library should have them, and we do. This section covers the various inter-process communication
types of the class library.
Semaphore and SemaphoreGroup
Semaphores and SemaphoreGroups encapsulate the use of the semaphore IPC functions, and adds features useful
to real world applications. At the very least you will be able to use Semaphores and SemaphoreGroups as you
would with Linux semaphore groups.
Design Patterns
A framework is defined as a facilitating backbone which combines sets of related components for a specific purpose or domain. A distinguishing feature of a framework is that it defines a generic design that supports a bi-directional flow of control between the application and itself.
Framework Support
CoreLinux++ enables framework development via the libclfw++ library. Included in the library are common objects that can be re-used by many of the framework implementations, in addition to abstractions of frameworks that have been discovered, much like design patterns, to be common across domain application design.
The framework library (libclfw) provides a number of support objects and framework abstractions as defined below.
Meta-class MetaType
Meta-classes were originally introduced for languages such as CLOS and Smalltalk to assist in the construction of instances whose layout was entirely defined at run-time. More efficient languages, such as C++ or Eiffel, define object layouts at compile-time and compiler writers have no need to provide meta-classes. The available facilities in C++ are limited but they do exist.
Therefore a meta-class instance is used to capture (model) the type information about a class, and subsequently, it's instances. For example, we can consider that "aaaaa" is an instance of a ascii string, and that string is of type MetaTypeAsciiString. Within MetaTypeAsciiString we can convey information about constraints (upper and lower bound, each character is 8 bits, must terminate with null, etc.) as well as it's relationship to other types. In the example, MetaTypeAsciiString can be modeled as a child of MetaTypeString.
MetaType Macros
The following macros, and their use, are detailed below:
A ontology is an explicit specification of some topic. It is a formal and declarative representation which includes the vocabulary (or names) for referring to terms in that subject area and the logical statements that describe what the terms are, how they are related to each other, and how they can or cannot be related to each other. Ontologies therefore provide a vocabulary for representing and communicating knowledge about some topic and a set of relationships that hold among the terms in that vocabulary.
The CoreLinux++ support for ontologies are in the form of MetaType object declarations and definitions joined through associations into a hierarchy, or tree. It is through access to this tree that components or applications can reason with the class types involved in the ontology.
MetaType Ontology
The base framework library (libclfw++) contains a number of types that, via the MetaType macros, forms a ``starter kit'' type ontology. The types defined include:
Common franework abstractions
The following are the abstract frameworks that come with the libclfw library.
Library Load
Whether managing graphic libraries, supporting plug-ins for extension, or dynamically calling shared library functions, applications often have a need to load information at run-time through the support of some library or operating system facility. The Library Load Framework supplies the extensible object types and behvioral semantics for such activities.
Schemas And Persistence
The persistence abstraction is built on the premise that the actual storage service code, that which implements concrete persist services beneath the abstraction, should be intelligent enough to take guidance from domain descriptions (concepts). Said concepts define the types to be stored, in addition to other information, and it is the job of the storage service to manage the data layout and service execution as defined by it's implementation.
It is, after all, the 21st century.
This benefits the application developer from having to worry about the details of a particular storage service, as well as having the flexibility to change persist implementations at will, or by user choice.
There are actually two (2) aspects to the CoreLinux++ Abstract Persist framework: Schemas and Services. This release focuses on the newly provided Schema constructs. * Please refer to the current implementation restrictions at the end of this document.
A Schema is an organization of concepts to model an idea. In this case, what is being modeled are the types that the application will want to have made persistent. When a schema has been modeled, it is then usable as a roadmap, in effect, to guide the storage implementation. For example, the types may represent tables in a relational database storage service, or a file type for a flat file service. It is ultimatley up to the service to decide how to "plan the trip".
There are two (2) workflows around Schemas and their concepts: Model and Run. Lets talk turkey first:
Schema Modeling
Schema modeling is supported through built-in services and functions of the library. All modeling changes are persisted to gdbm databases, and the domain modeler need only focus on making their schema correct. While there is a tremendous opportunity for adventerous open source developers to build tools around this (GUI, etc.), the library contains the fundemental capabilities to Create, Request, Update, and Delete Schemas or their artifacts (concepts).
The example test driver (clfw/src/testdrivers/exf2) shows some of the following capabilities.
1. Typically, start by resolving the SchemaSponsor and creating an
instance of it.
2. From the Sponser, get the Catalog object instance.
3. Create, Edit, Save, Close, Delete Schemas using the interface
of the Catalog instance.
4. Create Concepts and add to Schema
5. Remove Concepts from Schema and delete
Schema Run Time
Once a Schema has been modeled, it can be used by a storage service to support the input and output operations of application objects.
1. Like Schema modeling, the activation of persistence in an application starts with the resolving and instance creation of a StoreSponser. This can be done be either using the the StoreSponser class name and resolving through the Ontology interfaces.
or by walking the StoreSponser MetaClass hierarchy and testing each of the children nodes until you find the one you want. In latter releases we will have support for descriptive attributes on MetaClasses to help reason with sponser types and capabilities.
Another way to load a Sponser would be to work in conjunction with plug-in support to dynamically load types that are not part of the library compilation. Sounds like a job for the CoreLinux++ Library Load
Note: In the above code example it presumes that someone has provided a MySQL persistence implementation.
2. From the Sponser, get the Catalog object instance.
3. Create a Store (which would require identifying the Schema to be used
as the roadmap).
4. Fetch a Store to write and read application object instances from and
to respectivley.
Current Restrictions
Name/Value Declarations
While ultimately Schemas and Concepts attributes won't be limited as to the
depth or types supported, the current implementation assumes most attributes
are of the form: Name:Value, where:
Name is the Key data member of the Attribute and should be of type
Value is the Value data member of the Attribute and should be of type
Primary Schema Declarations
For schemas, the following are the recognized attribute keys:
Attribute Key : "Name"
Expected Value : Unique name for this schema
Example : "Franks Schema"
Note : This is a required attribute
Attribute Key : "Collection"
Expected Value : The collection type literal (currently "Array" or "SetCollection")
Note : SetCollection is safer for insuring unique name keys, although as new collection types are added it is really up to the modeling support.
Note : This is a required attribute
Attribute Key : "Location"
Expected Value : Qualified path where schema should be stored
Note : This is an optional attribute, default is ~/.clfw++/schemas/"Name"
Attribute Key : "GUID"
Expected Value : Stringified UniversalIdentifier to be used
Note : This is an optional attribute, default is the system will generate.
with the following attribute expected to be supported in later releases:
Attribute Key : "SchemaClass"
Expected Value : The Schema class type literal to be used when instantiating a new schema, this will be stored with the Schema descriptor and will be used when reloading in new sessions.
Example : "FranksWickedSchemaDerivation"
Primary Concept Declarations
Attribute Key : "Name"
Expected Value : Unique name for this schema
Example : "Concept A1"
Note : Even though concepts can be created for other reasons, this is a required attribute if adding to a Schema
Attribute Key : "Class"
Expected Value : Stringified UniversalIdentifier of the type that this Concept defines representation of to the storage service.
Note : Even though concepts can be created for other reasons, this is a required attribute if adding to a Schema
with the following attributes expected to be supported in later releases:
Attribute Key : "Uses"
Expected Value : Collection type, where the collection contains attributes that describe data types of this object should reuse the storage managed by another concepts definition, therefore the nested attributes are:
Attribute Key : "Data Member Name"
Expected Value : "Concept Name"
"Data Member Name" is the name of the data member that has been
explicitly identified in the MetaClass definition of the entity
being stored.
"Concept Name" is the name of another concept in the Schema
(which one would have to presume is the same type of the Data
Attribute Key : "Ignore"
Expected Value : Collection type, where the collection contains
single string values that identify (by name) the Data Members of
the Class that the storage management should ignore. In
otherword don't write or expect to read from persist.
Attribute Key : "Fence"
Expected Value : Collection type, where the collection contains
single string values that identify (by name) the Data Members of
the Class that the storage manager should recognize as an indicator
that the application whats instances of this data member to be handled
as a separate table/file/etc. according to it's (storage service)
Please note that these would be considered "suggestions" that the declaration of which does not imply that a storage service would do anything with the information.